The Crucial Role of Bike Fit in Posture, Pain, Comfort, and Longevity: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective
Cycling is a dynamic and stimulating activity many enjoy for recreation, fitness, or competition. However, the joy of cycling can quickly turn into discomfort or even pain if your bike isn’t properly fitted. As a physiotherapist, I often see how a correct bike fit significantly impacts your overall experience and health. From optimising posture and preventing pain to ensuring long-term comfort and bike longevity, the right bike fit is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why bike fit matters, how a physiotherapist assesses and treats common injuries related to poor bike fitting, and the exercises you can perform to prevent cycling-related injuries. The Importance of Bike Fit 1. Enhancing Posture and Comfort A proper bike fit aligns your body with the bike in a way that promotes optimal posture. When your bike is correctly fitted, it supports your body’s natural alignment, reducing strain on muscles and joints. Proper posture while cycling means you can maintain a more aerod...